Yes, that's right. Our next destination is Naples, Florida. This August I will take a position as Professor of Biology at Florida Southwestern State College, teaching marine and environmental sciences. Though it's not somewhere we pictured ourselves, it's the perfect gig for me and we are excited to try new things... rowing, kayak camping, fishing, and sailing, to name a few. Danielle can arrange her work seasonally to match my academic calendar, so we will be able to spend summers traveling and going up in elevation. And before you dismiss it, this is not the Florida that springs to mind - theme parks in Orlando or over-developed sprawl in Fort Lauderdale. We will be on the comparatively mellow Gulf Coast, with Everglades National Park out our back door. My friend Jeff joked that we are the "hashtag y.o.l.o." couple. It was some moments before I deciphered this twitter-speak. Trite and overused, sure, but yes, we may only live once. So why not! A few photos from my interview trip...
Lovely coastal scenes (Naples, FL).
Bonus! Year-round farmer's markets.
it will be a sweet gig! and i know you'll do guys need to visit
@Micah #Hip2BSqr #YOLO